Regulations on the
“Encyclopedia “Guild in Persons” Project
Parable about the Eurasian creative Guild
One day our souls came together
To convene the council of elders,
And then incarnate on the Earth
Some in the form of men^ some in the form of women
The council decided – it’s time to bring the light of creativity –
The gates of the Creator have opened,
And despite the different paths,
On a beautiful day all souls incarnated.
Everyone has their own meanings –
In different cities, villages, countries,
Reversals of experience, times…
But there is one goal – to unite all of us.
This is how the Unity of Feelings project was created
Consonance of thoughts, joy and colors,
Connection of world arts
In the poetry of art, the myth of fairy tales.
And let everyone have their own string to sing,
And the instrument is different from the other,
We are all one. There is only one mission:
Heal our world with both wisdom and words.
There are no borders and no nations either,
We are humanity, Divine power,
We are the creativity of the Earth, the union of planets,
The love of the Soul united us all.
The essence of the parable is brilliant and simple –
Love and beauty save the world!
Marina Alyassova
Art realizes the Creator’ plan – to show the World the beauty of words, meanings, sounds and images. After all, this is how the Universe talks to us. And we understand it. And everyone who is able to hear it has an undoubted gift. It’s an undoubted gift to bring beauty to the world.
After the artist, his paintings remain. After the poet – his verses and poems. The writer presents his stories and novels to the world. The stage director creates life on the screen. The musician fills the space with symphonies, rhapsodies and other musical sounds.
The Eurasian Creative Guild is the union of creative people who fill our lives with beauty, supporting everyone, who devotedly serves art or is just embarking on this difficult, but undoubtedly important and responsible path.
And our new project “Guild in Persons” is a kind of tribute to the work of these wonderful people. The desire to leave the world with the memory of everyone who does good and carries the energy of love for Human.
The goal of the “Guild in Persons” Project is to create an Encyclopedia of Guild members to popularizing them and introducing as many people as possible to their work. This is the creation of a kind of business card with the help of which the Project participants will be recognized throughout the world.
It will be an annual publication in Russian with a short artistic story about the project participants, black and white photos and links to contacts, a creative and social website.
Also, Marina Alyassova and Gennady Gorovoy, the authors and presenters of the Project, will conduct creative interviews with those who want to capture themselves not only, as they say, on paper, but also in video format. The materials will be posted on such resources as YouTube, Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, thus the participants will have an additional opportunity to become famous and recognizable not only in their narrow friends’ circle, but also more open to their potential admirers.
Types of participation:
- Publishing in the Encyclopedia “Guild in Persons” + video interview placement on the YouTube channel.
- Publishing in the Encyclopedia “Guild in Persons”.
Cost of participation:
- When publishing in the Encyclopedia + video interview:
– £150 for active ECG members
– £200 for other ECG members
- When publishing in the Encyclopedia:
– £100 for active ECG members
– £125 for other ECG members
Rules of participation:
- A Guild member, who exists to take part in the Project, submits an application on the website and pays the participation cost. It is possible to pay in installments for 6 months with equal payment no later than the payment period specified in the Contract.
If the payment deadlines are not met, participation in the Project will be impossible, the paid amount is not returned and goes towards organizational costs for other Guild projects.
- A registered in the Project participant sends a short autobiography about themselves to
- After receiving the application the authors of the Project contact the participant and agree to conduct a video interview.
The first volume of the Encyclopedia “The Guild in Persons” is planned to be released on the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Guild when the materials of the first 100 participants will be ready.
Welcome to the Project! Will be the first!
ГЕННАДИЙ ГОРОВОЙ Как красиво цветут цветы, |
Вся моя жизнь – это полет. Меня всегда тянуло развиваться, расширять свои горизонты и помогать людям. Когда мне было почти 16 лет, моя семья переехала из Минска в Израиль. Много лет спустя я в определенной мере осуществил свою американскую мечту – 6 лет, прожитых в Майами, дали мне возможность присутствовать на семинарах и лекциях у Тони Роббинса, Дональда Трампа, Руди Джулиани и других великих людей планеты. Даже легендарного Зига Зиглера удалось услышать на стадионе в Майами. Затем, уже в Москве, я познакомился с Р. Гандапасом, М. Кукушкиным, М. Клариным М. Молокановым и другими ярчайшими Профи мега-уровня и понял, что можно жить по-другому, просто наслаждаться своей жизнью, где каждый день – это подарок, и я должен делиться этими знаниями с людьми.
Мое увлечение коучингом дало старт писательству, и в один прекрасный день я стал лауреатом премии «Писатель года-2014» Союза писателей России. Год спустя я издал свою книгу. Так начался мой писательский путь.
Мое творчество – это любовь и стремление объединять людей. Мне важно быть мостом между представителями разных культур, потенциалов, разных уровней образования, воспитания, дохода, помогать и поддерживать таланты. Мне важна синергия и важен Человек.
Меня вдохновляют поэзия В.Высоцкого и творчество А.Розенбаума. Я люблю жизнь и этот разный, но дорогой сердцу, мир. И верю, что настанет тот день, когда все человечество будет жить в любви и уважении друг к другу.
О чем я пишу? О любви. О любви к Человеку. Богу. Миру. И Вселенная отвечает мне тем же.