New Year promotion from Eurasian Creative Guild: make a gift for a friend

Friends, on the eve of the New Year we are launching a unique offer for you and your loved ones! Invite a friend to join our creative family and he/she will get 50% discount for joining Eurasian Creative Guild!

Why join our community? 

– Access to unique resources and projects
– Opportunity to share experiences with talented professionals
– Participate in events, masterclasses and competitions
– Support and promotion for your creative ideas

Don’t miss the chance to give your friend an incredible opportunity to be part of a dynamic and inspiring community!

How does it work?

1. Invite a friend* to join the Eurasian Creative Guild. (You can give us his/her contact details and we will contact him/her. Or he/she fills in your name when filling in the questionnaire)
2. Your friend gets a 50% discount on joining and you get a thank you for helping him/her take the first step to new opportunities!
3. You can make a gift: by paying for his/her membership at a discounted rate, or you can do it yourself.

Share some creativity and inspiration this holiday season! The promotion runs until 30 December.

Join the Eurasian Creative Guild and explore new horizons together!

*Only for new guild members

Any questions, need our help, write to us on WhatsApp: +44 7777 699368 or email Sofia Dementeva😊

Guild Creative Expeditions

Creative Expeditions are a unique opportunity for Guild members to embark on exciting journeys to different countries and cities. These are not just trips, but real adventures, where you can not only perform and exchange ideas, but also be inspired, meet new people and immerse yourself in the unique culture and history of each country.

Creative Expeditions bring participants together for one to three days in different cities and countries around the world. They are treated to a rich programme of entertainment and communication, including creative meetings, masterclasses, discussions and other events. This is an excellent opportunity to broaden your horizons, acquire new knowledge and skills, and make friends with similar interests.

The event coordinator will help participants navigate the programme, recommend places to visit and create a comfortable atmosphere for communication and creativity. They will also help you find potential clients and make business contacts, which can be an excellent start to new projects and career growth.

Creative Expeditions offer a unique opportunity to find a potential client. During the events, participants can meet representatives from various companies and organisations who are looking for creative solutions for their projects. This is an excellent platform for networking and business development.

It is also an opportunity to learn about the history and culture of different countries. Participants can go on guided tours themselves and see places they have long dreamed of visiting. This is an unforgettable experience that will leave you with vivid impressions and a better understanding of the world around us.

Don’t miss the chance to go on a creative expedition and discover new horizons! This is a unique opportunity for personal growth, professional development and an unforgettable holiday. It’s a great way to diversify your life, get vivid impressions and relax from routine. They are suitable for people of all ages and professions who value creativity, communication and new acquaintances.

  1. The exact list of cities will be published after the vote.
  2. Expeditions take place four times a year. Guild members vote on where they want to go.
  3. Fixed deposit for participation is 100 pounds.
  4. If a person cannot go for personal reasons, the deposit will not be refunded.
    If the trip is cancelled by the organisers, the deposit will be transferred to another city or other ECG projects as agreed between the participant and ECG.
  5. All interested parties can have an additional personal presentation, the service cost is 100 pounds.
  6. Any member of the Guild may bring an accompanying person (not a member of the Guild) for whom an administration fee of 75 pounds must be paid. The companion will not have the opportunity to speak.
  7. The expedition will take place provided that at least 5 people are recruited.
  8. To participate in the expedition, you need to write to or WhatsApp (+44 7777 699368)/Telegram @sophie_dementeva.
  9. Payment can be made in pounds or in national currency (any currency other than pounds, including dollars and euros) at the actual exchange rate. Please specify the payment amount in national currency with the Guild administrator by email or WhatsApp (+44 7777 699368)/Telegram @sophie_dementeva.
  10. In case of payment in national currency more than five days after receiving an email from the administrator, please clarify the amount before payment, as the pound exchange rate may change! Also, please send us a photo or electronic copy of the payment document.

Christmas Present’ promotion

Promotion dates only: 1 to 31 November 2024.

The promotion is only valid for membership renewals, not for new Guild members. It also does not apply to candidates who have completed the application form but have not completed the registration process (have not paid the membership fee).

Categories such as Contestant (limited membership category), Guardian and Patron (lifetime membership) are not eligible for the promotion.

To take part in the promotion you need to:

-Send an email to or WhatsApp (+44 7777 699368)/Telegram @sophie_dementeva with the code phrase ‘I want a discount’ and your full name.

-Subscribe to the Guild’s page on your preferred social network (be sure to send us a link to the account you subscribed from)




-Join our ECG (London) Opportunities community on WhatsApp OR the Guild’s general channel on Telegram (please also send us the phone number or nickname you used to join the communities).

Discounted membership renewal rates for ACTING Guild Members (if you’re in any doubt about whether your membership is valid, or don’t know what your membership category is, you can clarify this by emailing or on WhatsApp (+44 7777 699368)/Telegram @sophie_dementeva):

  • Individual members – £35 instead of £50
  • Concession members – £25, instead of £30
  • Ambassadors – £150, instead of £200
  • Consuls – £25, instead of £35
  • Corporate Member (NPO/public education organisation) – £375 instead of £500
  • Corporate Member (commercial organisation) – £750 instead of £1,000

Membership renewal discounts for Guild members who have not renewed their membership for 2024, (if you are in any doubt as to whether your membership is valid, or are unsure what your membership category is, you can clarify this by emailing or by WhatsApp (+44 7777 699368)/Telegram @sophie_dementeva):

  • Individual members – £45 instead of £60
  • Concession members – £35, instead of £40
  • Ambassadors – £160, instead of £210
  • Consuls – £100, instead of £150
  • Corporate Member (NPO/public education organisation) – £385 instead of £510
  • Corporate Member (commercial organisation) – £760 instead of £1,010

Payment can be made in pounds or in local currency (any currency other than pounds, including dollars and euros) at the actual exchange rate (the amount of payment in local currency MUST be confirmed with the Guild administrator by email or WhatsApp (+44 7777 699368)/Telegram @sophie_dementeva).

In the case of payment in local currency more than five days after receiving the letter from the administrator, please clarify the amount before payment, as the pound exchange rate may change! Also, please be sure to send us a photo or electronic copy of the payment document.

Once we have received your membership fee we will send you a certificate for 2025. If you have not received your certificate within three working days, please email or WhatsApp (+44 7777 699368)/Telegram @sophie_dementeva.


Regulations on the

“Encyclopedia “Guild in Persons” Project


Parable about the Eurasian creative Guild


One day our souls came together

To convene the council of elders,

And then incarnate on the Earth

Some in the form of men^ some in the form of women


The council decided – it’s time to bring the light of creativity –

The gates of the Creator have opened,

And despite the different paths,

On a beautiful day all souls incarnated.


Everyone has their own meanings –

In different cities, villages, countries,

Reversals of experience, times…

But there is one goal – to unite all of us.


This is how the Unity of Feelings project was created

Consonance of thoughts, joy and colors,

Connection of world arts

In the poetry of art, the myth of fairy tales.


And let everyone have their own string to sing,

And the instrument is different from the other,

We are all one. There is only one mission:

 Heal our world with both wisdom and words.


There are no borders and no nations either,

We are humanity, Divine power,

We are the creativity of the Earth, the union of planets,

The love of the Soul united us all.


The essence of the parable is brilliant and simple –

Love and beauty save the world!


Marina Alyassova


     Art realizes the Creator’ plan – to show the World the beauty of words, meanings, sounds and images. After all, this is how the Universe talks to us.  And we understand it. And everyone who is able to hear it has an undoubted gift. It’s an undoubted gift to bring beauty to the world.

     After the artist, his paintings remain. After the poet – his verses and poems. The writer presents his stories and novels to the world. The stage director creates life on the screen. The musician fills the space with symphonies, rhapsodies and other musical sounds.

     The Eurasian Creative Guild is the union of creative people who fill our lives with beauty, supporting everyone, who devotedly serves art or is just embarking on this difficult, but undoubtedly important and responsible path.

     And our new project “Guild in Persons” is a kind of tribute to the work of these wonderful people. The desire to leave the world with the memory of everyone who does good and carries the energy of love for Human.

     The goal of the “Guild in Persons” Project is to create an Encyclopedia of Guild members to popularizing them and introducing as many people as possible to their work.  This is the creation of a kind of business card with the help of which the Project participants will be recognized throughout the world.

     It will be an annual publication in Russian with a short artistic story about the project participants, black and white photos and links to contacts, a creative and social website.

     Also, Marina Alyassova and Gennady Gorovoy, the authors and presenters of the Project, will conduct creative interviews with those who want to capture themselves not only, as they say, on paper, but also in video format. The materials will be posted on such resources as YouTube, Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, thus the participants will have an additional opportunity to become famous and recognizable not only in their narrow friends’ circle, but also more open to their potential admirers.


Types of participation:

  1. Publishing in the Encyclopedia “Guild in Persons” + video interview placement on the YouTube channel.
  2. Publishing in the Encyclopedia “Guild in Persons”.


Cost of participation:

  1. When publishing in the Encyclopedia + video interview:

      – £150 for active ECG members

      – £200 for other ECG members

  1. When publishing in the Encyclopedia:

     – £100 for active ECG members

     – £125 for other ECG members

Rules of participation:

  1. A Guild member, who exists to take part in the Project, submits an application on the website and pays the participation cost. It is possible to pay in installments for 6 months with equal payment no later than the payment period specified in the Contract.

     If the payment deadlines are not met, participation in the Project will be impossible, the paid amount is not returned and goes towards organizational costs for other Guild projects.

  1. A registered in the Project participant sends a short autobiography about themselves to
  2. After receiving the application the authors of the Project contact the participant and agree to conduct a video interview.


     The first volume of the Encyclopedia “The Guild in Persons” is planned to be released on the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Guild when the materials of the first 100 participants will be ready.

Welcome to the Project! Will be the first!



Как красиво цветут цветы,
Опадают желтые листья,
Я в восторге от красоты,
Хорошо в этот мир родиться!

       Вся моя жизнь – это полет. Меня всегда тянуло развиваться, расширять свои горизонты и помогать людям. Когда мне было почти 16 лет, моя семья переехала из  Минска в Израиль. Много лет спустя я в определенной мере осуществил свою американскую мечту – 6 лет, прожитых в Майами, дали мне возможность присутствовать на семинарах и лекциях у Тони Роббинса, Дональда Трампа, Руди Джулиани и других великих людей планеты. Даже легендарного Зига Зиглера удалось услышать на стадионе в Майами. Затем, уже в Москве, я познакомился с Р. Гандапасом, М. Кукушкиным, М. Клариным М. Молокановым и другими ярчайшими Профи мега-уровня и понял, что  можно жить по-другому, просто наслаждаться своей жизнью,  где каждый день  – это подарок, и я должен делиться этими знаниями с людьми.

     Мое увлечение коучингом дало старт писательству, и в один прекрасный день я стал лауреатом премии «Писатель года-2014» Союза писателей России. Год спустя я издал свою книгу. Так начался мой писательский путь. 

     Мое творчество – это любовь и стремление объединять людей.  Мне важно быть мостом между представителями разных культур, потенциалов, разных уровней образования, воспитания, дохода, помогать и поддерживать таланты. Мне важна синергия и важен Человек. 

     Меня вдохновляют поэзия В.Высоцкого и творчество А.Розенбаума. Я люблю жизнь и этот разный, но дорогой сердцу, мир. И верю, что настанет тот день, когда все человечество будет жить в любви и уважении друг к другу. 

    О чем я пишу? О любви. О любви к Человеку. Богу. Миру. И Вселенная отвечает мне тем же.